The Power of Story

The only thing that can change the world is story.

Powerful sentiment isn't it?

But how does that relate to you and your organization?

As he says in this video, story conveys that you SEE your clients and customers. You aren't simply selling to them or asking them for donations to better your life. No, story shows that you KNOW your clients. That THEY MATTER to you. And that you have a SOLUTION for them.

It isn't often that I purchase things at random (although sometimes a little retail therapy is good). The last thing I purchased was a book. I love books. But I didn't purchase this book because the cover was pretty or because the publishing company boasted a high sales volume. Nope, I bought it because someone told me a story about how the book had changed their lives. It made them laugh in a dark time. It made them think in ways they hadn't before. It empowered them to take the next step in their life.

If you think about it, you may find yourself in a similar situation where the things you purchase have come from your connection to a story.

Stories are important!

Maybe you are an insurance company (my favourite go-to) and you have the lowest deductibles in the market! That is fantastic! Now, what is more likely to get you clients: A website banner that says "Lowest Deductibles in the Market" or a story about the family who suffered a horrendous car crash in their only vehicle with the wife out of work and the husband working two jobs to support the family?

Obviously it's the latter. The story shows relatable people, paints a picture of a need and offers a solution (lowest deductible) in order to make someone else's life better.

You are fantastic!

Your organization is fantastic!

But it isn't about you.

Story tells your clients the truth. It's about them. You exist for them. They matter!

Start connecting with your clients through story!


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