3 Things You Need to Know about Digital Marketing

It seems like everyone is on social media these days. Whether you are dancing on TikTok, snapping food pics on Instagram, building dream boards on Pinterest or connecting with friends on Facebook, there is a space in the interwebs for you (yes, I said “interwebs”).

Chances are, if you are on these platforms, you have been served suggested people to follow or advertisements based on your internet activity. If you are anything like me, you’ve likely been taken in by one or two of them (Book of the Month saw me a mile away).

As a business owner or leader of a not-for-profit, you are overwhelmed by all of the time and energy required to create content and post it out with very little conversion. You have to know the proper hashtags to use and how many to use depending on the platform. You need to know the best time of day to post. You need to become a great photographer, video editor, copy editor, comedian and dancer, when what you do is sell insurance!! Yikes!!! That is overwhelming!

Take a deep breath my friend, the world of digital marketing is complicated BUT it can be made much easier by knowing a few simple things:

  1. You do NOT need to be everywhere - Yes, unlike traditional marketing, digital marketing is a 24/7 universe. However, your ideal clients aren’t likely dancing on TikTok AND connecting with folks in their industry on LinkedIn (although some do because we are diverse human beings). The key is knowing your ideal client. WHO are you serving? Being specific about your ideal client will narrow down where you will be most effective in spending your energy!

  2. It isn’t a numbers game - Okay this may sound weird but you really don’t have to aim for influencer status. You need to do what you do best and fulfil the needs of a specific group of people. Sure, Kylie Jenner is the top female on Instagram with 373 MILLION followers and she is super successful…I guess. Depends how you define success. But let’s be honest, most people follower her to bear witness to the next drama. You are much better off having 3000 followers/connections that are aligned with your values, feel connected to you (hello trust factor) and see merit in what you provide. Plus, when was the last time you commented on Kylie’s posts and she responded? Clients want to feel seen and heard. Build relationships with digital marketing. It’s not about you, it’s about your clients.

  3. Digital Marketing will help you develop as a business and a person - As business owners, we like to be perceived as having all the answers! Let’s just be honest here. There is an element of ego that said “I can do this better than XYZ!” when we started up. And hey! Maybe that’s true! But it won’t always be true. If you can set your ego aside, be humble and open to feedback, digital marketing will push you and your business into new realms. Digital marketing gives you instant feedback (sometimes not in the nicest tones…but that’s not a YOU problem) and allows you the unique opportunity to connect with potential clients to continually evaluate their needs. Remaining client focused (not just focused on the next vacation you’ll take with all your money) allows you to adapt and prolong the life of your business.

Digital marketing can be overwhelming, but if you know your niche and stick to it with humility and gratitude, it doesn’t only get easier, you may find you actually enjoy it.

Not sure where to begin? I’m happy to help you with your marketing strategy.

Give me a shout!


The Power of Story