Marketing for Human Beings

“Many companies have forgotten they sell to actual people. Humans care about the entire experience, not just the marketing or sales or service. To really win in the modern age, you must solve for humans.”

~ Dharmesh Shah, CTO & Co-Founder, HubSpot ~


Cyberclick defines marketing as “the process of getting potential clients or customers interested in your products and services.” They are right, it is a process! Marketing is a constant cycle of researching, engaging, selling and delivering. Let’s break it down.


First thing’s first…WHO is your ideal client? Yes, I know…EVERYONE!! Defining your target market isn’t always easy unless your product is something like period pain relief, but knowing your ideal client will lead to higher rates of conversion. Your product/service answers a specific need for a specific set of human beings. Together we will identify who those people are, and research to understand their behaviours, values, purchasing habits and where we can best meet them.


The biggest, and perhaps most obvious, reason I am approached for marketing help, is to “increase engagement”. Podcasters want more listeners. Service providers want more clients. Product creators want more sales. Not-for-profits want more donations. However, engagement is a two way street! This is most obvious in the social media world. It is called “social” for a reason, you need to be connected, involved, engaged. Otherwise, you are simply another billboard telling people what they should want. Ick!! We will work together to identify the best way to reach your clients, HOW to invite engagement and create a strategy to stay connected that won’t burn you out.


Depending on your target market, making the sale is going to take on a bit of a different vibe. Remember, you are marketing to complicated, 3 dimensional human beings. Millennials tend to like a try-before-you-buy approach. While GenXers are going to research the best bang for their buck. You need to set yourself apart and a lot of that, again, comes back to knowing your ideal client! But remember, making the sale means nothing if your delivery isn’t WHAT you promised. This whole marketing process is something we will work on, review and adjust as we work together.

Marketing Strategy Package

You don’t have the time or energy to learn all the things you need to know about marketing, and you shouldn’t have to! Do what you do best and let me help alleviate your workload. Each package is customized with a DIY option where I give you everything you need to market successfully OR we can enlist some of my favourite partners to completely manage the day-to-day. Either way, here are things you can expect from NW Media Production and Design.

Research target market & key competitors

Analysis of your current marketing/conversion data

Website review or design/set-up

Creation/review of traditional marketing collateral

Cross-marketing strategy

Multi-platform social media calendar

Branded post design templates and key verbiage

Interaction strategy/suggestions

Administrative resource suggestions

30 minute monthly check-ins